The real-time traffic analytics dashboard inside the Yottaa Customer Portal data has been completely back-filled. Thank you for your patience as we worked through this issue
Posted Mar 22, 2019 - 02:11 EDT
A fix has been implemented and we are monitoring the back-fill of data. We will update this notice as more information becomes available
Posted Mar 21, 2019 - 15:08 EDT
Yottaa engineers have identified the issue and are working on implementing a fix. Once fix is in place data will be backfilled. There is no impact to Yottaa production traffic. We will update this notice as more information becomes available
Posted Mar 21, 2019 - 14:29 EDT
The real-time traffic analytics dashboard inside the Yottaa Customer Portal is currently behind in processing traffic data. Our engineers have been engaged and are working to resolve this issue. There is no impact to Yottaa production traffic. We will update this notice as more information becomes available
Posted Mar 21, 2019 - 11:01 EDT
This incident affected: Yottaa Portal and Services (Real-Time Traffic Analytics).